10 Most Effective Exercises For Weight Loss

Physical activity is one of the main pillars for the loss of fat and weight. Like a healthy diet is vital to achieving our goal, it is also important to conduct a training program according to what we are looking for. For that, we have developed a list of 10 best exercises you can do to burn fat and lose weight while toning your muscles. Within these, you can find which one best suits you. You can try these suggestions to find the activity that you feel comfortable. The only certainty is that no matter what you choose, you will be safe in the right way to lose weight. Let’s go for it!


1. Walking

Calories burned per hour: 200-600 (depending on the speed and your weight according to Harvard Medical School)

Some people think that to lose weight, you need to spend hours sweating in the gym, and believe that the idea of burning fat with walking is just ridiculous; but it is not. As any regular physical activity, walking causes the metabolism to burn calories and convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy rather than fat reserves. If you are obese, when you walk at a certain speed you consume more oxygen and calories than if you were slim because walking has to mobilize more weight, you do more muscular effort and you need to burn more calories and more oxygen to move.

Brisk walking at speeds around 3.5 to 4.5 mph is an excellent way to lose weight, however, the faster you walk the more the impact on your joints. To reduce the load on the knees a good strategy is to shorten your stride and walk in small steps. Start small with 15 minutes a day, that way you will be adapting to this new routine. Eventually, if you continue in your efforts to make training sessions walking in small steps, you will start losing weight without feeling joint ailments. In a short time, you will both lengthen your stride and increase the speed and distance of your walks to keep losing weight.

If you are young, healthy, and you have no joint pain when walking and want to lose weight, we propose a more aggressive approach: power walking or race walking. They are not as harmful as running and help a lot to lose weight. To avoid injuring yourself with this type of exercise, we recommend that you leave at least one day of rest between sessions.


2. Elliptical training

Calories burned per hour: 450-800 (depending on your weight according to Harvard Medical School)

This revolutionary machine has several points in its favor to recommend daily use for reducing weight. The first thing to consider is that the elliptical trainer is low-impact, meaning that the impact generated on the body and the stress applied is much lower in this type of exercise. This makes it very suitable for exercising when you are overweight or obese because this condition is characterized by a loss of joint mobility and also comes with osteoarthritis and back pain. So, you want to avoid too much pressure on feet, ankles and knees. This machine is also especially recommended for older ages and even for those who have suffered from some kind of injury in any of the previously cited parts of the body.

Another greatest advantage of having the elliptical trainer in performing exercises to burn fat is that all body parts are used, and further, the abdomen is working effectively. This is what makes the elliptical help you to burn more calories when you are training with it. With the simultaneous smooth and controlled movements of arms and legs, you train adequately, develop a level that allows much more efficient workout, while monitoring your heart activity with the heart rate monitor equipped with the elliptical trainer.


3. Swimming

Calories burned per hour: 350-850 (depending on the style: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, laps, treading…)

Swimming is a complete activity, involving not only the cardiovascular system but also multiple muscles, therefore, its practice can get many benefits for our body and find it an excellent strategy for losing weight.

Swimming is ideal if you are looking for weight loss because the water lightens the body, making it easier work for our joints and reducing the impact of the exercise. Therefore, if you are overweight, exercising in the water will help prevent injury.

On the other hand, it strengthens the heart and lungs as well as several muscles located in both the lower body and the upper body. Therefore, to lose weight swimming is helpful, because not only promotes fat burning but also helps to tone muscles and gain muscle mass, which certainly helps to prevent the dreaded rebound effect or sagging after a loss of weight.


4. Water aerobics

Calories burned per hour: 240-400 (depending on your weight)

One of the advantages of exercising in water is that it reduces almost completely the impact suffered by joints to do it regularly. That is one of the fundamentals of water aerobics, an exercise program that combines the benefits of swimming to aerobics. It takes advantage of the properties of water for best results. As water is denser than air, in the water aerobics exercises, the thrust is used to create resistance to movement. This makes it ideal for people who have problems with their joints or lumbar. But it is not exclusive to them; it is a program suitable for all kinds of people, from young to seniors, who are looking to drop pounds and stay in shape.

Another feature of water is the thermal condensation, that is, stealing body heat. This, combined with exercise, increases the metabolism, which in turn helps to burn calories. Thus, this activity allows apart from weight loss, to tone, tighten and build muscles. As reported by the Harvard Medical School, a 155-pound person will burn about 149 calories in a 30 minutes water aerobics class.


5. Cycling or biking

Calories burned per hour: 400-1000 (depending on the speed and your weight).

Depending on how fast you go, this may actually be an excellent choice for burning calories. A person weighing 125 pounds, for example, is able to burn 170 to 250 calories if he moves at a relaxed pace, which can increase to more than 400 if pedaling at a moderate intensity, or greater than 700 calories if done vigorously.

It’s a good way to tone your legs and buttocks. Strong legs also serve to more easily perform other exercises like weight lifting, squats etc. Not only the body wins in the outside, but the heart is also one of the main beneficiaries of bike rides because it improves the circulatory system and reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular events.

Using a bicycle outside can be really satisfying. Cycling invites us to enjoy the outdoors, fresh air or at least know the greenest part of our cities. Cycling relaxes, relieves stress, and makes you feel better overall. But, you may also invest in an indoor bike. The best thing about this exercise is that it is really very easy to do. You can even watch TV while you do. So, the next time you want to watch you favorite tv show, why not while riding your stationary bike instead of laying down on the sofa. Most tv shows last over 45 minutes, enough time to enjoy biking benefits.


6. Rowing

Calories burned per hour: 400-700 (if moderate or vigorous)

If you are already bored of going to the gym and do the same exercise, switch activity to rowing. This sport, which is practiced in the aquatic environment or with a rowing machine, will help you burn fat around your body and strengthen your cardiovascular system. Rowing helps remove deposits of fat accumulated and tone every muscle in the body, thanks to the force applied and torso movements. Among its many benefits are:

– Burning calories;
– Strengthening arms, abdomen, legs and back;
– Correcting posture;
– Reducing stress;
– Improving physical conditioning.

In addition, it is recommended as rehabilitation therapy and promotes the achievement of goals and teamwork. Before practicing consult a professional trainer to guide you in your starts and to avoid injury or muscle tears.


7. Dancing

Calories burned per hour: 180-500 (varying with the style you practice and your weight)

Does hearing the word “exercise” makes you feel discomfort in your stomach or gives you chills? Many people have similar reactions when it comes to talking about physical routines to lose weight; however, there are some fun ways to lose weight: dancing. It is an activity that can help you lose those extra kilos because it makes you move your body and is an excellent cardiovascular exercise. Here are some dancing options to consider to burn calories.


Increasingly popular, Zumba is practiced in most gyms. As a benefit, you do not need to practice this dance with a partner. Spotlight on Latin dances, combine salsa, reggaeton and other styles to achieve a style suitable for all ages and physical performance.

Ballroom dance

There are many varieties of ballroom dance, and some may require a dance partner. In general, the best ballroom dances for slimming are based on Latin movements, for example, the tango.

Hip Hop

This type of dance is synonymous with energy, fun, and plenty of attitudes, plus hip hop dance routines are very dynamic and make you exercise from your toes to your hair.


8. Step aerobics

Calories burned per hour: 400-900 (depending on the intensity and your weight).

The step is the name of a platform with a non-slip base that is used to practice the activity of the same name. It emerged in the 90s from an aerobics instructor called Gin Miller, who for rehabilitation of a knee injury had to exercise up and down a step. Step aerobics is a low-impact workout; in addition, its realization does not imply greater complexity and dangers of accidents.

Meanwhile choreographed, step improves coordination and response capacity, also working at the mental level, stimulating memory and concentration. As you practice, you can see how you develop agility and physical strength regardless of your age and physical possibilities. Step practice is an accessible sport for all ages since the step height is adjustable and the intensity of work is flexible and can adapt to the characteristics of each person.


– It is perfect for increasing the capacity of oxygen absorption and improved cardiovascular performance. In addition, its aerobic nature makes the number of calories consumed high each session and consequently, it becomes suitable for reducing the volume of fat.
– It tones muscles, especially buttocks, hips and legs.
– Improves overall physical strength and endurance of the body.
– Its practice increases strength, flexibility, and capacity of reaction and coordination.
– Mentally, it is perfect to unwind from everyday worries and train your concentration and memory.


9. Racquetball

Calories burned per hour: 420-850 (depending if casual or competitive and on your weight)

Racquetball can be classified as moderate to vigorous aerobic activity. It is a fast-paced training that offers a great cardiovascular workout for your body while your thighs and legs are exercised to the fullest.

The calories you burn while you play racquetball depends on its intensity. The higher the intensity that can be maintained, the more calories you burn. HealthStatus notes that a 160-pound person burns 382 calories during a 45 minutes match of racquetball at a casual pace. During a game of 45 minutes at a competitive rate, the same person burns over 547 calories. Overall, racquetball burns calories at a consistent pace with activities like tennis, soccer and ice skating, according to Harvard Health Publications.

The National Institutes of Health recommends at least 2.5 hours of this kind of exercise each week for those wanting to shed pounds. During the game, you work large muscle groups rhythmically for an extended period of time. This increases the heart rate, causing your body to burn more calories than your fat stores. It is also a much more social exercise, which makes you train longer and motivates you to not skip sessions.


10. Yoga

Calories burned per hour: 200-400 (Depending on the poses and your weight)

Decreasing weight and toning muscles can be a too high target for people that are not a sports lover at all. However, for them, we have an effective solution: Yoga!
The basic principles of yoga are physical activity combined with the timing and depth of breathing, keeping aware of our body with respect to space, while the space in relation to our body. There are several benefits of yoga for health, but here we will highlight those linked to weight loss and muscles toning.

– Increases flexibility and at the same time tones your muscles, making them stronger and firm.
– Burns calories even at rest because it uses several muscle groups at the same time, maintaining position for a certain amount of minutes.
– Tones the body avoiding sagging that often accompanies weight loss.
– Reduces anxiety and stress of everyday life, which allows controlling this great enemy of the diets.
– Improves digestion promoting intestinal transit and thus, in conjunction with a diet, this may result in sustained weight loss.