How to Recognize a Fad Diet

Weight, Nutritionist, Brown Backgrounds

A fad diet is a weight-loss program that involves eating only certain foods and beverages or adhering to a specific diet plan. Fad diets are usually only temporary and have no long-term health benefits. They can also be dangerous if you use them without consulting your doctor first. Fad diets or quick … Read more

What Exactly is a Low Carb Diet?

Vegetarian breakfast bowl with spinach, arugula, avocado, seeds and sprouts

When most people think about dieting, the first thing that comes to mind is reducing the number of carbs that they eat. This is because a low carb diet can be an incredibly effective way to lose weight and improve your health. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what exactly a low … Read more

Benefits of Adding Fish to Your Diet

Fish on a plate

Aside from chicken, fish is one of the best sources of protein for your diet. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids and is packed with other essential nutrients; this is a great source to help keep your muscles strong and your body lean. Fish does not only help you lose weight. It … Read more

How Bad Is Beer Really for Weight Gain?

Foamy top

Let’s admit it, we drink beer because we can or because we have to, most especially after a grueling day or when we are in a celebratory mood. We don’t really drink beer with so much consciousness on whether it brings us good or bad or whatever it is in between.  From … Read more